Album Obsessions – Smorgasbord

How many times in your life have you fallen in love with an album?  Not a song or handful of songs, but an entire album.  I think that looking back at album obsessions is  a great way to map out a musical life journey as each album generally represents where you are at that time and often a shift that you are making as you discover something new.  This is the first article in a new series I am doing on the albums that I obsessed over throughout my life.

I got about a third of the way into this list when I remembered this album and had to jump back to the true beginning.  Unfortunately my obsession with Sharon, Lois and Bram’s Smorgasbord was not music related (or is that fortunately?).

While listening to songs like Peanut Butter and Michael Finnegan, four-year old me obsessed over whether I was more in love with the little blond girl or the little brunette girl.  I married a brunette, so I guess that argument has been decided.


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