Album Obsessions: He’s the DJ, I’m the Rapper

I was certainly exposed to rap before He’s the DJ, I’m the Rapper.  Run DMC‘s Raising Hell, the Beastie Boys‘ License to Ill, even early 2 Live Crew (which truthfully frightened me).  I think that DJ Jazzy Jeff and the Fresh Prince were able to bring it down to a level that a young, white, suburban kid could appreciate.  I mean really … my parents didn’t understand either.

The lyrics were fun, simple and humourous.  The videos were silly and colourful.  But it still had the element of something new and fresh (as my older sister tried to steer me towards Howard Jones and OMD).  I am pretty sure I could still fire off the complete lyrics to the title track, which is truly a great jam.

Once this gateway drug hooked me in I went back to some of the other “classics”, like those mentioned above, and was much more ready and able to appreciate them.  I spent many years as a big rap fan (I’m my day we didn’t have Hip Hop), which was great training for the rest of my life.  None of my friends liked rap and now a days none of my friends like indie rock (“what’s a Superchunk?”).

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