Great Mac McCaughan Moments – The Future of Radio

Mac testified before Congress. That in itself sounds super cool and important. Seriously, though, Mac testified on the future of radio, putting forth the importance of non-commercial, independent radio. Here is an excerpt:

I also want to urge this committee to take the necessary steps to ensure that our media landscape does not become even more consolidated. The deregulation that followed the 1996 Telecommunications Act allowed for unprecedented consolidation in commercial radio, which has resulted in a homogeneity that is often out-of-step with artists, entrepreneurs, media professionals and educators — not to mention listeners.

Full transcript can be found here and the audio version is found here.

Mac’s place in the music business is well respected, as evident from his participation in this and other such community and political discussions.  Mac took part in the Future of Music Coalition Policy Summit in 2009 and Superchunk participated in a concert (along with The Arcade Fire) in support of Obama in 2008.

When it comes to political rock my thoughts turn to the likes of Ted Leo or Public Enemy.  Mac’s songwriting rarely has any sort of political slant to it.  But Mac takes his politics seriously (as he does his hockey) and does what he can to help make a difference in a very respectable and commendable way.

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