The Universe continues to coincidentally mess with my mind

Sometimes I just do not know what to think about the universe. I am a very logical, pragmatic kind of person. There is reason and order about the world. I like the idea of fantastical things but do not actually believe in them.

The challenge is that there are so many strange little things that happen in life and I cannot reconcile them against the logical part of my brain. As comforting as it would be to be able to see the universe as an ordered place that can be understood and explained, I am forced to accept that there is a wackiness factor to life that I will likely never understand. I am okay with that, though, because really that is what keeps things interesting.

Today’s example:

I’m checking on some of my blog descriptions and find the following line (which is meant to kick off a writing exercise) on The Parking Lot Confessional:

If I could just get her to say it, this would all go away.

I consider this for a few seconds (I have no intention of participating in the exercise at this time) and my first thought is:

Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!!!

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